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Abeka Book Publications  

With the exception of the subjects mentioned below, we use Abeka for all other subjects.


Purposeful Design Publications

We use this publisher for our junior high (7th & 8th) Bible and health classes.

McGraw Hill Education

We use this publisher for junior and senior high French class.

Answers In Genesis

We use this publisher for a science elective in the high school.


For general junior / senior high electives and high school Bible we use a variety of resources.



Click on the Abeka Book Publications for a full

Scope and Sequence.

What is Gradelink?


Gradelink makes it simple to maintain school and parent communication, and parents can be totally involved in their child’s academic progress. It’s easy to view class and assignment grades, due dates, upcoming homework and more.

Parents and students can download file attachments posted by the teacher including worksheets, permission slips, study guides, and the class syllabus.


Course of study



3 Year old Pre-School:

  • Recognition of shapes and colors

  • Introduction of letters and numbers

  • Social Skills:  interactive behavior, sharing, structured classroom time, separation from parents, learning to obey outside authority

  • Bible:  Each day the students listen to a story from the Word of God


4 Year old Pre-School:

  • Recognition of letters and their sounds

  • Development of motor skills by learning to write the alphabet and numbers

  • Beginning to blend special sounds

  • Phonetic approach to reading

  • Recognition of numbers through 50

  • Recognition of the days of the week

  • Social Skills:  interactive behavior, learning to obey authority

  • Bible:  Learns to recite the pledges (Bible, Christian, & American), memorizes verses, will hear a Bible story each day and begin to  hear personal application

For more detailed information by grade level, click the Abeka Book Publication in curriculum for a Scope and Sequence.

5 Year old Kindergarten (K-5):

  • Reinforcement of letters and their sounds

  • Intensive study of blending special sounds

  • Reading short stories  (Phonetic approach to reading)

  • Recognition of numbers 

  • Motor skills continue to develop as they write each day

  • Basic math concepts (simple adding and subtracting)

  • Social Sciences

  • Bible:  The students will actively participate in a Bible story each day and memorize scripture passages throughout the year.

Elementary Core:  

Bible, Math, Grammar, Spelling, Reading, Writing, Health, Science, 

Social Studies, Music and Art.


Senior High School Academic Tracks:


General - 21 Credits

College Preparatory - 23 Credits

Accelerated Academic - 24 Credits

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